Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Spotlight On The Blackman

Since I knew you
You were mine,
My chocolate hint of Eve's desire,
Rippled flesh covered
in silver drops.
Not willed but forced.
Among the cocoa,coffee,cotton,
You have ploughed, cut and picked

I knew you,
My Black Prince,
Through showers of rules and laws,
Painted white across the board of your mind.
The light shun on you,
The spotlight,
But brought little hope of change to
My Blackman

But things have changed my Blackman.
What have you become?
You set the stage for beauty,
Of Strength,
Of Survival,
But cruise through it,
Abuse it,
Misuse it.
To bling,
Nigerratti ruling da streets,
No man cum pon you,
Or 'im get shot,

Nigga..That word
You dim it,
The spotlight,
Clouding it with dusts if laziness,
With specs of hate,
With guns,
With blood,
Your own Blood.

Get off the stage blackman.
You've spoilt your own show.

Can I Write To You

In his ruffled up shirt,
Her eyes glassed up with fear,
The cold metal stick in her hand,
And an ink bottle near,
Oh how he took it,
Proof spilled on the sheets,
Of White and Gold,
Now bloody pleats.
Fingers with slits marked bright,
As the black scribbled words,
Got blotted grey-light.
“Can I write to you?”
She wrote in trembling care,
“Can I write to you to tell you of the one I held dear?
In poetry my soul was placed in a glass case,
In song my body itself was embraced,
In fire a kiss turned love into hate,
Can I write to you and tell you my future fate?
That if my heart allowed my ears to hear,
Then I would not have known the freedom of death to be so clear,
But in rope and noose my love would not plead for my pieces,
For instead of tying it around my finger,
Love stranggled the delicate folds of my creases.